Hello Zero

It is an old tradition for the first program in a new programming language to be a program that prints out Hello World. However xy as a language is fairly minimalist - it defines just the semantics of the language and no standard library. The xyc compiler follows that principle and is just a compiler - no libraries included. All this means that in order to first print anything out to the terminal first we need to install a library that allows us to print messages. Which is a bit more involved. So to keep things simple let’s start with the simplest possible program - one that doesn’t do anything and just returns 0.

def main~EntryPoint() -> int {
    return 0;

Save this snippet in a file called hellozero.xy. In order to compile and run:

xyc hellozero.xy
echo $?

Et voilà! You should see a big, fat zero. It ain’t exiting but it is a solid beginning.